Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery and Leadership growth through Executive Coaching. Executives and leaders must navigate complex challenges that demand a unique set of skills and perspectives. Executive Coaching is a personalized and confidential partnership designed to empower leaders, providing them with the tools and insights tailored to the specific needs and goals of each individual.
Leslie’s creative, practical, straight-forward approach focuses on development of competencies that helps Senior Leaders stretch, grow awareness and skills, and achieve real and lasting results.
Through a series of coaching conversations, awareness-building assignments, and coaching practices, Leslie will guide you in developing a clear vision for real and lasting change, appropriately scaled to specific leadership needs. This collaborative process involves in-depth conversations, clarity and goal-setting, and actionable strategies to enhance leadership effectiveness. As an experienced Executive Coach, Leslie is dedicated to helping to unlock a leader’s full potential, help them navigate professional transitions, and cultivate a leadership style that inspires excellence and drives high performance organizations.
““It is her ability to see people at their core, to know them, to hear them, to listen to what is unspoken, to believe in them when they are struggling to believe in themselves.”
To work with you on a topic that deeply matters to you, that you may have also had difficulty making and/or sustaining progress in to date (eg: what's getting in your way of the 'ideal state' you’re seeking?).
An approach focused on development objectives, and growth of key competencies that enable and sustain your results.
A customized coaching program tailored to meet you where you are, with cycles of development that progressively enable you to make meaningful progress on you topic.
Your Coaching Program will be designed specifically for you and your developmental objectives. It will support you in making significant progress in your coaching topic, with a finite timeframe beginning and completing over several months.
You will meet with Leslie on a regular basis (cadence to be determined after initial conversation, but typically it is a 1 hour meeting every 2 – 3 weeks), and you will be required to actively engage in daily practices between coaching meetings that are custom designed to your specific development objectives.
The Coaching Program will work best if you are willing to ‘explore’ and to try things that are outside of your norm (where new development takes place).
You and Leslie will work together in a way that is flexible and dynamically co-creating , while adhering to the stringent principles and guidelines of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Confidentiality is of utmost importance. That said, it’s highly valuable for you to share your high-level topic with your Leader, who is expected to support the client’s Coaching Program by ensuring they have adequate capacity and opportunities to engage in regular meetings and Coaching practices. However, no specific details of the client’s coaching conversations will be shared with supervisors or anyone else, except as requested by the client.
The coach will meet with the client Leader at the outset to ensure everyone is aligned on the Coaching topic, and to discuss progress, learning objectives and required support from them. The Coach may also meet with the client’s Leader mid-way through the program to discuss progress, and will also have a final discussion about how the Leader can support the client after the Coaching Program is completed – without divulging any private, confidential details.
““I have benefited over many years from Leslie’s excellent coaching, training and mentorship. Her knowledge, experience, and calm professional delivery have influenced me to continue to grow and learn in this space.””
Your Coaching Program is an integral part of your overall professional development and success as a Leader. Make the commitment to take the time you need to meet with your Coach regularly (typically every 2-3 weeks) and to do the Coaching exercises and practices you’ll receive at each session. Be willing to look at yourself – beliefs, behaviours, assumptions, mindset – and to try ‘different’ as part of your development process.
Commonly Asked Questions
A: Here are some specific questions to guide your reflection on your Coaching topic:
What is it that you want to make progress on, specifically? (begin your statement with: "I want to be more able to…")
Why is this important to you, and why now?
What have you tried so far? How did it work for you?
What does your 'best future state' look like? (mindset, behaviours, beliefs, abilities)
A: If you find yourself asking the question, "Am I coachable?" you're already demonstrating a key trait of coachability – a genuine openness to self-reflection and a desire for personal and professional growth. Coachability is not about having all the answers; rather, it’s about a willingness to explore new perspectives, receive constructive feedback, and commit to the process of continuous improvement. It involves an ability to listen with an open mind, embrace change, and actively engage in coaching dialogue.
A coachable Executive is someone who recognizes the value of collaboration, is receptive to challenging assumptions, and demonstrates a proactive attitude towards implementing positive change. If you want to enhance your Leadership skills, navigate challenges, build resilience, and are open to self-discovery, you are undoubtedly coachable and will likely derive significant benefits from an executive coaching program.
Poor performers and unwilling participants are not usually appropriate for Executive Coaching (remedial Coaching is not typically effective). And individuals whose topics are too broad, undefined, not linked to business objectives, or whose topics would be better served with therapy, are not appropriate for coaching programs.
Here are nine statements that can help you determine your ‘coachability’:
1. There is something I want to work on or achieve which I will focus on in my Coaching Program.
2. I can be relied on to be on time for calls and appointments with my coach.
3. I will keep appointments with myself to work on my Coaching homework between sessions.
4. I am willing to stop or change behaviors that are interfering with my progress.
5. I will give my Coach the benefit of the doubt and I am willing to "try on" new concepts, approaches, or behaviours, to help me achieve my goals.
6. Coaching is the appropriate approach to help me accomplish my goals (as opposed to a Therapist or training).
7. I will work collaboratively with my Coach to identify goals and action steps to move forward, and I will take regular actions to help achieve my coaching goals even if I don't see immediate results.
8. I will be open with my Coach about what I like or don't like about how the Coaching is going.
9. I will allow the Coach to challenge me, and keep me focused on my goals, no matter what.
A: Each Coaching Program is unique, and integrates a variety of activities and practices aimed at fostering professional growth and self-awareness. Throughout our Coaching journey, you can expect a dynamic blend of one-on-one Coaching sessions, Leadership assessments, and constructive feedback tailored to your unique challenges and aspirations. You’ll engage in thought-provoking exercises and reflective practices that encourage introspection, helping you identify and leverage strengths while addressing areas for development. Personalized self-observation exercises, reading assignments, podcast episodes, bold experimentation with new behaviours, will serve as practical applications of the coaching concepts we’ll discuss, allowing you to implement new insights directly into your leadership. We may also explore decision-making models, goal-setting frameworks, change Leadership tools and action plans to ensure progress. This holistic Coaching experience is designed to empower you with the tools, awareness, and mindset necessary for dynamic Executive Leadership.
A: Confidentiality is paramount to ensuring a successful Coaching relationship. Rest assured that I hold competitively sensitive information, proprietary information, information concerning specific employees and colleagues, and any other information deemed confidential, to the highest confidentiality standards. No part of our 1:1 coaching conversations will be shared with anyone else, either in writing or verbally.
A: Speak honestly to your Coach about what’s working and what’s not. Good Coaches want to make sure the program elements are resonating with their clients, and can make adjustments as you go. In fact, these adjustments typically happen throughout the program, as new practices are building greater awareness and skills. Sometimes, new awareness-building comes with some discomfort, so your Coach can help you determine if it’s part of the process, or the program needs some adjusting.